Dr. Ahmad Saad, MD, FACS

Director médico en IMAGN INSTITUTE

El Dr. Ahmad Saad es un cirujano plástico certificado por la Junta Estadounidense de Cirugía Plástica (“American Board of Plastic Surgery”), que le acredita como especialista en cirugía plástica estética y reconstructiva.
Completó su formación en dos de las mejores universidades del mundo: la Universidad de Yale y la Universidad de California San Diego (UCSD). Su amplia experiencia y sus conocimientos en técnicas y procedimientos quirúrgicos le han ayudado a lograr el reconocimiento en todo el mundo. A lo largo de los años, ha desarrollado varias técnicas de cirugía plástica con las que ya ha cambiado la vida de numerosos pacientes.
El Dr. Saad es por igual un innovador, un científico y un artista. Entiende que la cirugía plástica es un delicado equilibrio entre el arte y la ciencia, con un énfasis en el cuidado del paciente. El Dr. Saad es consciente y aprecia el valor de esta relación, por lo que tanto sus pacientes como sus compañeros de trabajo le ven como un prestigioso cirujano. Su amplia experiencia en cirugía plástica y reconstructiva, junto con un deseo de incorporar esta combinación de ciencia y arte en cualquier procedimiento, asegura resultados muy naturales con énfasis en la armonía, la simetría y la proporción.
El Dr. Saad es un pionero de la PAL®-HD técnica de lipoescultura de alta definición para la escultura corporal avanzada en la que define con precisión las áreas a tratar – un tema sobre el que el Dr. Saad ha escrito y publicado un gran número de  artículos en las revistas y libros de cirugía de gran prestigio. Además de sus contribuciones al campo de la medicina, enseña a cirujanos de todo el mundo a utilizar esta técnica de forma segura para poder ofrecer los mejores resultados a sus pacientes. Más información sobre el Masterclass PAL®-HD.
Además, como cofundador del Centro de Cirugía de Migraña de California, el Dr. Saad está entre los pocos cirujanos del mundo cualificados y experimentados para realizar cirugías de migraña y aliviar el sufrimiento de numerosos pacientes a nivel internacional.
Una autoridad en cirugía facial y tratamientos de rejuvenecimiento, el Dr. Saad es conocido por su capacidad de ofrecer resultados excepcionales, corregir procedimientos fallidos y deformidades para lograr resultados naturales y duraderos.

Hay que tener en cuenta muchos factores a la hora de determinar el mejor enfoque para cada paciente, desde los antecedentes y el origen étnico hasta los resultados deseados. Por lo tanto,  la cirugía plástica no es un estándar único para todos. Once años de formación post-doctoral le han dado al Dr. Saad la experiencia necesaria para combinar estos factores y lograr un enfoque único de cada cirugía que proporcione a sus pacientes los resultados más seguros y exitosos.

La mayoría de los pacientes que se someten a una cirugía plástica no quieren tener una apariencia estandarizada, sino que quieren una versión más refrescada y rejuvenecida de sí mismos. Esto requiere una minuciosa dedicación a los detalles y experiencia en una gran variedad de técnicas, para que los procedimientos puedan ser personalizados según la estructura facial y corporal, las dimensiones y las características únicas del paciente. Esto es especialmente necesario al trabajar con pacientes de diferentes etnias, en los que los resultados deben ser fieles a los antecedentes y características naturales del paciente.

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Sociedad de Cirujanos de Yale
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Sociedad Americana de Cirujanos Plásticos (ASPS)
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Sociedad Americana de Cirugía Plástica y Estética (ASAPS)
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Miembro del Comité del Curso de Educación y Enseñanza – ASAPS
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Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Plástica Estética (ISAPS)
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Miembro, Colegio de Cirujanos Americanos (FACS)
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Sociedad de Cirujanos Plásticos de California
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Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona
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Asociación Médica Americana
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Junta Americana de Cirugía Plástica Diplomado, ID de la Junta #112762
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SAAD Plastic Surgery
Barcelona, España
Cirujano Plástico
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San Diego, California
Cirujano Plástico
Agosto 2015- Julio 2017
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Universidad de California – San Diego
Profesor de Cirugía Plástica
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Centro de Cirugía de Migraña de California
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Centro Médico Clemenceau
Beirut, Líbano
Profesor Visitante de Cirugía Plástica
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Universidad de California – San Diego

Jefe Residente
Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva

Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva

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Yale University – School of Medicine Chief Resident General Surgery Resident General Surgery Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Vascular Biology & Transplantation Department of Surgery
  • Saad A, Nahas Combina L, Altamiran-Arcos C. “Abdominal Etching”. Clin Plast Surg, 2020 Jul;47(3):397-408. PMID: 32448476
  • Saad A, Gonzalez J. “Commentary on: Defining “Ideal Abs” Through a Crowdsourcing-Based Assessment”. Aesthet Surg J. 2020 Feb 5. PMID:32022831
  • Saad A, Arbelaez JP, De Benito J. “High Definition Liposculpture in Male Patients Using the Reciprocating PAL Technology: Techniques and Results in A Prospective Study” Aesthet Surg J. 2019 Jul 30. pii: sjz218. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjz218. PMID:31361804
  • Cohen SR, Hewett S, Ross L, Fischer M, Saad A, Teubel S, Delauney F. “Progressive Improvement in Midfacial Volume 18-24 Months After Simultaneous Fat Grafting and Facelift: An Insight to Fat Graft Remodeling.” Aesthetic Surg Journal. 2018 Oct 18. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjy279. PMID: 30335128
  • Saad A, Hewett S, Nolte M, Delaunay F, Saad M, Cohen SR. “Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Female Patients: The Neoclassical Canons Revisited.” Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2017 Dec 22. doi: 10.1007/s00266-017-1051-4. PMID: 29273934
  • Cohen SR, Hewett S, Ross L, Delaunay F, Goodacre A, Ramos C, Leong T, Saad AN. “Regenerative Cells For Facial Surgery: Biofilling and Biocontouring”. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2017, Vol 37 (S3) S16-S32
  • Cohen S., Saad AN. «Buccal Fat Pad Augmentation for Facial Rejuvenation». Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 Jun;139(6):1273e-1276e. PMID: 28538560
  • Cohen SR, Goodacre A, Lim S, Johnston J, Henssler C, Jeffers B, Saad A, Leong T. “Clinical Outcomes and Complications Associated with Fractional Lasers: A Review of 730 Patients.” Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2016 Dec 28. PMID: 28032173
  • Saad AN, Kanack M, McIntyre J, Levy M, Meltzer H, Cohen SR. “Reverse Distraction Cranioplasty for Treatment of Hydrocephalic Megalocephaly” J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Nov;26(8):e755-8. PMID: 26594998
  • Gosman A, Saad AN, Parina R, Chang D. “Discussion: Does Combining Abdominoplasty and Liposuction Really Increase the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism?” Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 May 18. PMID: 26020705
  • Rankin TM, Mailey B, Saad A, Biswas A, Hurst C. “Early two-stage repair of clefts in holoprosencephaly.” J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Apr 15. PMID: 25976037
  • Parina R, Chang D, Saad AN, Coe T, Gosman AA, “Quality and safety outcomes of ambulatory plastic surgery facilities in California.” Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Mar;135(3):791-7. PMID: 25719698
  • Saad A., Parina R., Chang D.C., Gosman A., “Risk of Adverse Outcomes When Plastic Surgery Procedures Are Combined”. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014 Dec;134(6):1415-22. PMID: 25415104
  • Saad A., Parina R., Chang D.C., Gosman A. “Incidence of oral clefts among different ethnicities in the State of California”. Ann Plast Surg. 2014 Mar 28. PMID: 24691321
  • Parina R., Saad A., Chang D.C., Gosman A. “Statewide multicenter analysis of the incidence of secondary surgeries after isolated cleft palate repair”. Ann Plast Surg. 2014 May. PMID: 24740028
  • Moshrefi S., Saad A., Monoo P., Wang HY, Tenenhaus M. “Primary Cutaneous Gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma and Hemophagocytic Syndrome”. Ann Plast Surg. 2014 Jul 4. PMID: 25003465
  • Boskovski M, Saad A., Israel G., Salem R., “Lymphangioma of the gallbladder in adults: Review of the literature and a case report”. J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Nov 4. PMID: 22052109
  • Gallo A, Saad A, Ali R, Dardik A, Tellides G, Geirsson A., “Circulating interferon-γ-inducible Cys-X-Cys chemokine receptor 3 ligands are elevated in humans with aortic aneurysms and Cys-X-Cys chemokine receptor 3 is necessary for aneurysm formation in mice.” J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Sep 28. PMID: 21962843
  • Saad A., Pollak J., Dardik A., “Images in vascular medicine: asymptomatic internal carotid artery stent fracture.” Vascular Medicine 2010 Feb;15(1):73. PMID: 19778952
  • Saad A., Kenney B., Touloukian R. “Gastric antrum hypertrophy causing outlet obstruction in an infant born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia”. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2011 Jun; 46(6):e11-4. PMID: 21683184
  • Mcrae, M M., Gallo, A., Saad, A., et al. “The role of the MyD88 pathway in arterial remodeling.” JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS Volume: 203 Issue: 3 Supplement: S Pages: S104-S104 DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2006.05.273 Published: SEP 2006
  • Vegas Cosmetic Surgery — Masters Seminars section – Las Vegas, NV, June 2017 “Re-Defining Fat Grafting: Millifat, Microfat, Nanofat, And Cell Enriched”
  • Vegas Cosmetic Surgery — Rhinoplasty section – Las Vegas, NV, June 2017 “Pyriform And Peri-Nasal Augmentation During Rhinoplasty: Patient Selection And Results”
  • Vegas Cosmetic Surgery – Body Contouring – Las Vegas, NV, June 2017 “Closed System Automatic Fat Grafting For Large Volume Delivery”
  • American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) – The Aesthetic Meeting – May 2017 – San Diego, CA “Ethnic Rhinoplasty: The Neoclassical Canons Revisited”
  • The Rhinoplasty Society Meeting – May 2017 – San Diego, CA “Ethnic Rhinoplasty: The Neoclassical Canons Revisited”
  • University of California, San Diego – Division of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, January 2017 “Migraine Surgery”
  • International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics & Science (IFATS) – November 2016 – San Diego, CA “Patient Satisfaction Scores 3-24 Months Following Autologous Fat Transfer (AFT) or Cell Enriched Fat Transfer (CEFT) in Conjunction with Facial Rejuvenation Surgery: A Prospective, Comparative Study”
  • University of California, San Diego – Division of Pain Medicine Grand Rounds, October 2016 “Migraine Surgery”
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) – September 2016 “Minimal Invasive Techniques for Periorbital Rejuvenation”
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) – September 2016 “Pyriform and Paranasal Alterations During Rhinoplasty”
  • University of California, San Diego – Division of Head & Neck Surgery Grand Round, August 2016 “Facial Aging”
  • California Society of Plastic Surgeons – May 2016 meeting Santa Monica “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Peri-Orbital Rejuvenation”
  • American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – The Aesthetic Meeting – May 2015 “Patient Satisfaction Scores 3-18 Months Following Autologous Fat Transfer (AFT) or Cell Enriched Fat Transfer (CEFT) in Conjunction with Facial Rejuvenation Surgery: A Prospective, Comparative Study”
  • American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – The Aesthetic Meeting – May 2015 “Complications of Fractional Lasers: A Review of 716 Patients Treated by Nurse and Physician Assistant Laser Specialists under Medical Supervision”
  • UCSD Surgery Symposium – May 2014 “Transection of the Lower Lateral Crus: A Safe, Simple Technique for Concomitant Improvement of the External valve and LLC Convexity”
  • The Rhinoplasty Society – 19th Annual Meeting – April 24th 2014 “Transection of the Lower Lateral Crus: A Safe, Simple Technique for Concomitant Improvement of the External valve and LLC Convexity”
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons October 2013 meeting “Quality and safety review of plastic surgery procedures outcomes in the state of California.”
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons October 2013 meeting “Are risks of adverse outcomes following outpatient cosmetic procedures additive when procedures are combined?”
  • California Society of Plastic Surgeons May 2013 meeting “Incidence of oral clefts among different races in the State of California”
  • Oral presentation: UCSD Department of Surgery Symposium April 2013 “Incidence of oral clefts among different races in the State of California”
  • Yale University – School of Medicine Department of Surgery – Grand Rounds (June 2012) Title: “Face transplantation – How do we look so far?”
  • Poster presentation: Breast Cancer Coordinated Care Conference – February 2011 – Washington, DC “The Hybrid Breast Reconstruction – Use of Autologous Fat Transfer to Increase Autologous Tissue to Implant Ratio in Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction”
  • American College of Surgeons – Connecticut Chapter – November 2006 meeting “Toll-Like Receptors in arterial aneurysms.”
  • Yale University – School of Medicine Department of Surgery – Grand Round (June 2007) Title: “Toll-Like Receptors in arterial aneurysms.”
  • Saad A., Leong T., Dobke M., Cohen S. “Minimal Invasive Techniques for Periorbital Rejuvenation”. American Society of Plastic Surgeons – Los Angeles, September 2016
  • Saad A., Hewett S., Cohen S. “Pyriform and Paranasal Alterations During Rhinoplasty”. American Society of Plastic Surgeons – Los Angeles, September 2016
  • Cohen S., Hewett S., Leong T., Saad A., Dobke M. “Buccal Fat Augmentation during Facelift Using Transoral Approach: Patient Selection and Surgical Technique”. American Society of Plastic Surgeons – Los Angeles, September 2016
  • Saad A., Leong T., Cohen S. “Minimally Invasive Techniques for Peri-Orbital Rejuvenation”. California Society of Plastic Surgeons – May 2016 meeting Santa Monica
  • Saad A., Hewett S., Lim S., Taylor K., Mailey B., Suliman A., Dobke M., Cohen S.R. “Patient Satisfaction Scores 3-18 Months Following Autologous Fat Transfer (AFT) or Cell Enriched Fat Transfer (CEFT) in Conjunction with Facial Rejuvenation Surgery: A Prospective, Comparative Study”. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – The Aesthetic Meeting – May 2015 – Montreal, Canada
  • Saad A., Lim S., Goodacre A., Taylor K., Johnson J., Hennsler C., Leong T., Cohen S.R. “Complications of Fractional Lasers: A Review of 716 Patients Treated by Nurse and Physician Assistant Laser Specialists under Medical Supervision”. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – The Aesthetic Meeting – May 2015 – Montreal, Canada
  • Saad A, Ghavami A. “Transection of the Lower Lateral Crus: A Safe, Simple Technique for Concomitant Improvement of the External valve and LLC Convexity”. The Rhinoplasty Society – 19th Annual Meeting – San Francisco, April 2014
  • Saad A., Parina R., Tokin C., Chang D.C., Gosman A. “Quality and safety review of plastic surgery procedures outcomes in the state of California.” American Society of Plastic Surgeons meeting, San Diego October 2013
  • Parina R., Saad A., Chang D.C., Gosman A. “Are risks of adverse outcomes following outpatient cosmetic procedures additive when procedures are combined?” American Society of Plastic Surgeons meeting, San Diego October 2013
  • Saad A., Parina R., Chang D.C., Gosman A. “Incidence of oral clefts among different races in the State of California”. California Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Francisco May 2013
  • Parina R., Saad A., Chang D.C., Gosman A. “Statewide analysis of the incidence of secondary surgeries after isolated cleft palate repair”. California Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Francisco May 2013
  • Moshrefi S., Saad A., Monoo P., Wang HY, Tenenhaus M. “Primary Cutaneous Gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma and Hemophagocytic Syndrome: An Academically Intriguing and Clinically Challenging Case”. California Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Francisco, May 2013.
  • Eshagh K., Mailey B., Saba S., Saad A., Dobke M., Rechnic M, Wallace A., Gosman A. “Improving Operating Room Efficiency Requires Re-Focusing on Essential Aspects of Surgery”. California Society of Plastic Surgeons, San Francisco May 2013
  • Inglés
  • Francés
  • Español
  • Árabe
table book aesthetic rejuvenation face neckSaad A, Miller S., “Endoscopic Browlift” – Editors: Bruce F. Connell, MD, and Michael J. Sundine, MD – “Aesthetic Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck”– Thieme Medical Publishers



book plastic surgery elsevierCohen SR, Saad A, Leong T, Ross EV, “Facial Skin Resurfacing” – Editor: Peter C. Neligan – “Plastic Surgery” – Elsevier



book quemaduras tratamiento critico quirurgicoSaad A, Tenenhaus M. “Celulas Madre Mesenquimales (CMM) E Injerto De Grasa: Tratamiento Novedoso De La Cicatriz Por Quemadura””. Editors: Zapat- Sirvent R, Tenenhaus M. “Quemaduras, Tratamiento Critico Y Quirurgico”.– AMOLCA

  • The Aesthetic Surgery Journal – (Member of the editorial board)
  • The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal
  • Advances in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – (Member of the editorial board)
  • Chronic Wound Care Management and Research Journal
  • Open Access Surgery Journal
  • Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology Journal
  • Wounds UK
  • The American Surgeon
  • Quality Medical Publishing
  • “Teacher of the Year” 2016/17 University of California San Diego Division of Plastic Surgery
  • International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Award for “outstanding contribution in the field of heart and lung transplantation” April 2005
  • International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Research fellowship grant: Title: “Tertiary lymphoid organs in atherosclerotic diseases and their role in host vs. graft rejection in heart transplantation”. Amount: 40,000 U.S. Dollars Period: June 2005 – June 2006
  • Ohse research grant: Title: “Role of the Toll-Like Receptors in aneurismal diseases.” Amount: 6,000 U.S. Dollars Period: December 2005 – June 2006
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Operation Smile
Cirujano Plástico Voluntario

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