The shape and aesthetics of the nose are very important and can be corrected or improved with rhinoplasty. However, the nose is not an ornament or only an aesthetic structure, its good function is vital for healthy breathing and avoidance of health complications.
The most common structures that cause nasal obstruction are the septum, turbinates and valves:
It is main pillar that holds the nose in place and separates the left from the right nasal vaults. It is made of cartilage and bone and covered with thin layer called mucosa. Deviation of the septum is a common finding and causes obstruction of one or both nasal airways. The treatment is a septoplasty, which is procedure where the deviated part of the septal cartilage is removed and can be used as grafts during the rhinoplasty procedure.
There are three turbinates on each side of the nose. Their main function is to control the quality of flow of air through the airway and its humidification. It is usually the most inferior turbinates that can be enlarged and cause the obstruction of the airway. The treatment for turbinate enlargement is the reduction of its bony and mucosal components.
The nose has two valves: External and internal. The external valve is the part of the nose made of the alae or nostrils. Obstruction of this valve is diagnosed when the nostrils collapse with inspiration. This is treated with placement of cartilage derived from the septum or another part of the body that acts as strut. The internal valve is made of the septum, inferior turbinate and a nasal cartilage called upper lateral. This valve patency is achieved by reducing the enlarged turbinates, fixing the deviated septum and reconstructing the upper lateral cartilage.
It is so important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon with experience to address both aesthetic and functional problems during a rhinoplasty. At IMAGN Institute, this 360 degrees approach is applied in 100% of our cases.
Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery
Asst. Prof. of Plastic Surgery – University of California, San Diego