Men who have overdeveloped breast tissue suffer from a condition called gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts, which may be caused by hormonal changes, genetics, disease, or substance use. While gynecomastia is not usually a serious medical problem, it can take a significant psychological toll. It can negatively impact self-esteem and quality of life, making it difficult to go shirtless or engage in intimacy with confidence.
If you are one of the many men struggling with gynecomastia, you know all too well how this condition affects your ability to nurture personal relationships or even enjoy a day at the beach. Fortunately, there is a surgical procedure that reverses the symptoms of gynecomastia with permanent results in most cases. The breast reduction surgery for men we perform, involves removing excess breast tissue and restoring masculinity to the chest.
Gynecomastia is a result of overdevelopment of one or both breasts in boys and men. Many of these cases are due to hormonal fluctuations during puberty, and the condition resolves on its own over time. Other causes of gynecomastia might include:
Pinpointing the cause of gynecomastia is an important step, because eliminating the cause when appropriate may resolve the condition without the need for surgery. For example, if a medication is the culprit, stopping the medication may effectively treat the problem. A distinction should be made as to whether the excess tissue is glandular or fatty as well, because treatment methods may be different for the two.