Nowadays there are many types, technologies and techniques for liposuction. They are too many that it became confusing not only to patients but also to plastic surgeons with limited experience in liposuction.
Over the last two decades, there has been a significant evolution in the liposuction sub-specialty; From a procedure used to remove excess fat in certain areas of the body to the state of the art technique to precisely sculpt the finest details all over the body. To that end, many types of technologies are available:
Power assisted liposuction (PAL) belongs to this group. Through very small mechanical vibrations of the cannula tip, fat tissue is gently broken into smaller pieces and aspirated through the tube. Dr Ahmad Saad, our medical director at IMAGN Institute, is the international pioneer in using the PAL technology for high definition liposculpture through the ´Saad´ cannula that he designed and is produced by Microaire in USA. Transformative results can be achieved, with natural results, and faster recovery period compared to other technologies.
Some of these technologies, such as Renuvion that emits radiofrequency are used for skin tightening. Other older technologies such as LASER, VASER (with emits ultrasonic energy), etcs.. emit thermal energy to emulsify the fat and aspirate it through the tubes.
The choice of the technology is important, but the most important factor is choosing a surgeon with experience using that technology who can safely deliver superior results.
Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery
Asst. Prof. of Plastic Surgery – University of California, San Diego
+34 93 3821111